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University and Company

University and Company

University and Company

We strongly believe that one of the keys to a company's success is its propensity for good research and that one of the ways to do it is definitely to create collaborations with the university world.

The ranking of the top 1,000 European companies for R&D expenditure published in the 2018 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard report tells us that Italy follows the most developed nations at a distance, even if some companies still manage to keep the step. There are 39 Italian companies in the top 1,000, with an average expenditure of 167 million euros for a total of 6.5 billion euros (the total investment of the Italian private sector in R&D is around 12 billion euros).

In Tekla we have always invested in research with an ever growing trend, in the last three years investment in research has grown by 300%. The main thrust for research is aimed at safeguarding the environment and the health and psycho-physical well-being of people. The aspects we focus on most are: new eco-sustainable products, minimal design, home automation, internationalization, product life cycle, circular design.

To do this we strongly believe in the collaboration with university research studies on the national territory, here in the last year we have entered into new agreements with the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Salerno (Circular Design Project from project to use), with the University of Naples Federico II (Eco Design Intelligent Construction Project), with the Polytechnic of Milan (Product Service System Design Project).

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